Hot Arts for Cool Kids Frankston Arts Centre
Hot Arts for Cool Kids is presented during selected School Holidays at Cube 37.
A creative and diverse art and craft program for primary-school aged kids and their families. Created by artists and art therapists, the program and activities encourage family engagement through the arts.
Hot Arts for Cool Kids Workshops
Feedback from previous participants:
"We are back for more 'making'. Mighel and Grandmother had a wonderful day yesterday. Thank you to everybody involved. One of the best days in our holidays." - (Mighel and his Grandmother came every day!)
"Hot Arts for Cool Kids was awesome."
"One of the best activities we have done with the kids. Awesome fun!"
"Very impressed. What a great place."
"It was so much fun, I wish I could stay forever and ever."
"Oh my stars! That was truly amazing. Great to see all the kids being so creative. Great big thank you to ALL the people assisting. We'll be back!" - Bella, Maddy and Kate