"The narrative as it unfolds is easy to follow, and the performances by Victorian State Ballet’s dancers were fresh and engaging. Michelle Cassar de Sierra’s choreography is full of movement and vigour, richly colourful and vivid" Dance Australia
"I was enthralled right from the beginning of the production, progressing through memorable moments, to the emotional transformation, the grand waltz, and to the wonderful happily ever after final scenes." Adelaide Festival Centre - Dunstan Playhouse May 2024
"Bravo to the Victorian State Ballet for such a moving, enthralling, and wonderful ballet production that is Beauty and the Beast" Adelaide Festival Centre - Dunstan Playhouse May 2024
"I adored every second and was completely overwhelmed" Dance Informa
"Every aspect of the performance excelled, a work to remember for years to come" Dancetrain
"Victorian State Ballet’s take on Beauty & the Beast wonderfully appealed to the magical world we know of Walt Disney's construction" Melbourne
Audience member review: Karralyka matinee 18th August 2024 - "Absolute perfection! Congratulations to everyone at VSB for a stunning performance. Still giving generously after the show, the company waited in the foyer afterwards in full costume, offering greetings, allowing photos, and especially, lavishing such sweet welcome to the approaches made by tiny tots who will remember the beauty and grace of the ballerinas all their lives. Such magic and kindness may reap rewards for us all in 15 years' time. Who knows? Very, very well done to you all."